Easy mindfulness

Legal warning


1.1. These Rules determine the conditions and procedure for using materials from the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/.

Use means any reproduction, distribution, communication to the public, communication by cable and air, import, rental, public performance, translation and other processing of the Materials and any other ways of using, regardless of whether the corresponding actions are taken for the purpose of making a profit. or for no such purpose, whether the use of the Materials is in full or in part.

1.2. Any use of the Materials is allowed only with the written permission of their copyright holder – mindful1809@gmail.com, unless otherwise provided by these Rules.

1.2. Using the Materials of the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ in violation of any of the conditions of these Rules means that the Materials are used unlawfully, which is a violation of the rights of the Copyright Holder and / or third parties and entails liability under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. These Rules apply to any visitors to the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/, news agencies, newspapers, magazines and other print publications, electronic media, any other media, as well as Internet sites that are not registered as media , to individuals, organizations and public associations, any other third parties (hereinafter – “Users”).

1.4. These rules are mandatory for all users of the portal https://easy-mindfulness.com/. The copyright holder can at any time change any paragraph of these Rules without special written notification to Users by publishing a new version of these Rules on the portal https://easy-mindfulness.com/.

1.5. All Users are obliged to familiarize themselves with the text of these Rules.

USE OF MATERIALS https://easy-mindfulness.com/

2.1. Any User has the right to freely (without the permission of the Copyright Holder and without payment of remuneration):

use in any quantity the Materials of the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ to compile media reviews in the form of brief annotations of the Materials, to the extent justified by the purpose of creating a media review. Reproduction or other use of each specific Material in full is not allowed. These annotations must contain a link to the source in the manner prescribed by clause 4.2. of these Rules;
cite any number of Materials on the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ for scientific, polemical, critical or informational purposes to the extent justified by the purpose of the citation. Such a citation must contain a link to the source in the manner prescribed by clause 4.2. of these Rules;
freely use the Materials in other cases directly provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
2.2. It is allowed to use the Materials of the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ without the permission of the Copyright Holder and without payment of remuneration to the following Users:

individuals and legal entities mentioned in the materials of the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/. Such persons have the right to reproduce, distribute, broadcast or by cable, to bring to the public any Materials containing such references, without paying remuneration to the Copyright Holder and obtaining the written permission of the Copyright Holder.
2.3. In any case, the use of the Materials provided for in clause 2.1. – 2.2. of these Rules should not unreasonably infringe on the legal rights and interests of the Copyright Holder and / or third parties. This use is subject to the restrictions established by section 3 of these Rules.

2.4. In all other cases, in addition to clauses 2.1. – 2.2. Of the Rules, the use of the Materials is carried out on the basis of the written permission of the Copyright Holder.

2.5. The Copyright Holder has the right to refuse any User to issue permission to use the Site Materials, without explaining the reasons for such a refusal.


These Rules prohibit:

3.1. Use of the Materials or their fragments without the permission of the Copyright Holder in other ways and in other cases, except for those specified in paragraphs. 2.1.— 2.2. of these Rules.

3.2. Use of Materials in accordance with paragraphs. 2.1. – 2.2. Rules for the creation of composite works (including databases).

3.3. Use of Materials in accordance with paragraphs. 2.1. – 2.2. Rules for the purpose of making a profit.

3.4. Use of the Materials in ways and to the extent not expressly permitted by these Rules, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as in violation of these Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


When using the Materials of the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ in full or in part, each User is obliged to:

4.1. Obtain written permission from the Copyright Owner of the portal https://easy-mindfulness.com/ to use the Materials by contacting the following e-mail address: mindful1809@gmail.com (except as provided in clauses 2.1 – 2.2. Of the Rules).

4.2.1. When reproducing and otherwise using the Materials of the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ in printed form, it is necessary to indicate: the source in accordance with clause 4.2., The author (s) of the material (if any) and the date the Material was posted on portal https://easy-mindfulness.com/.

4.2.2. When reproducing and otherwise using materials from the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/ on the Internet, it is necessary to indicate: the source in accordance with clause 4.2., The author (s) (if any), the date the Material was posted on portal https://easy-mindfulness.com/. There must be an active hyperlink to the site https://easy-mindfulness.com/, not closed from indexing for search engines.

4.3. Observe the integrity of the Materials, avoiding their distortion.

4.3.1. When reproducing Materials and their other use, processing of their original text is not allowed. Reduction or rearrangement of parts of the Materials, providing them with illustrations, preface, afterword, comments or any explanations of any kind, is allowed only to the extent that it does not lead to distortion of the meaning of the Materials.

4.3.2. The User is responsible for the distortion of the meaning of the Materials resulting from their inaccurate reproduction.


5.1. Any unlawful use of the Site Materials is a violation of the rights of the Copyright Holder and / or third parties and entails criminal, civil and other liability provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. In the event of claims against the Copyright Holder by any third parties whose rights have been violated by the unlawful actions of the User, as well as receiving instructions, warnings and other acts of authorized government bodies, the involvement of the Copyright Holder in the legal process as a result of illegal actions of the User, the User shall reimburse the Copyright Holder for all the losses incurred thereby.


6.1. By registering on the site, the User agrees to receive updated information with the latest news, new offers, special offers, including of an advertising nature; information about news and offers of partners of the Copyright Holder of the site, including advertising messages via SMS, MMS and e-mail; and also gives his consent to the processing of the user’s personal data provided during registration on the Site.

6.2 The User can select the mailing parameters or unsubscribe from it in the “Personal Account” section on the Site, as well as unsubscribe from the mailing list by referring to the special link placed at the bottom of the email received by the User earlier within the mailing list.


7.1. For any questions related to the use of materials https://easy-mindfulness.com/, you can contact us by E-mail: mindful1809@gmail.com.

7.2. When visiting the site, the User agrees that the Copyright Owner of the site has the right to save and use cookies and other local storage technologies, web beacons and similar tools on the User’s device, including transferring data obtained using these tools to third parties to analyze the work of Users with this site to improve the site, navigate and obtain statistical information.

7.3. These Rules are available for general review on the portal https://easy-mindfulness.com/.

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