Easy mindfulness

Set of cards for playing “Mindfulness: it is easy!” (card game)

Do you want your child to grow up healthy, successful and happy, in full harmony and with the feeling of absolute self-sufficiency? We have created a special set of cards for playing, and called it “Mindfulness: it is easy!”. These cards will teach children how to deal with stress and anxiety, how to communicate easily with people, but, what is most important, how to recognize and understand children’s own emotions and needs.

The set of cards, and the card game itself, is designed to develop awareness in children over 4 years of age. By purchasing a set of cards for your child, you personally will also be able to develop these skills in yourself.

The set contains 55 tasks for awareness, to develop such skills and abilities as:

  • attention;
  • peace;
  • amiability;
  • observation and many others.

Exciting “card lessons” will help your child develop his/her mind and body:

  • you will learn to find support and create the nucleus within yourself, even in the most difficult situations;
  • develop the ability to cope with your bad mood;
  • become strong and brave;
  • learn to deal with anxiety and cope with stress.

Your children will learn to make weighted decisions and be responsible for their consequences. They will also learn to get rid of negativity in difficult situations, in a wat that would not harm themselves, you and the others.

The set “Mindfulness: it is easy!” is a collection of interesting pictures accompamnied with step-by-step descriptions of exercises-games, which can be easily integrated into everyday life and activities of any person.  Among other pictures, the set includes games for the first minutes after waking up: thus, the child will learn how to easily wake up and quickly tune into a productive and positive day. You will also find exercises to relax after a busy day, games aimed at improving both, emotional and physical state.

The card game for children “Mindfulness: it is easy!” has no analogues on the market of other European countries.

Do not miss the opportunity to buy an educational game that will help you raise a happy child!



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Set of cards for playing “Mindfulness: it is easy!” (card game)


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