Easy mindfulness

Course – Attention Games (5–12 years)

In order to help your child become the “owner” of his/her life…

So that your child could take decisions on his/her own…

For your child to be successful and happy.

What are the benefits of child practices?

  • The child from an early age joins and starts to follow a healthy lifestyle, learns to control breathing and body reactions.
  • The child has a reduced level of anxiety, the ability to control his/her emotional state.
  • The child easily joins a new team and finds friends, comfortably communicates with parents, educators and teachers.

Mindfulness practices develop cognitive abilities. Children improve their memory, develop the ability to start and finish what they started without being distracted.

This becomes the foundation for successful schooling and for solid future achievements in adult life.

Positive effect of awareness practices for a child:

  • Improves his/her health
  • Helps to become more capable, work effectively, be active, as well as develop harmoniously.
  • Improves the ability to memorize and keep in mind.
  • Helps to concentrates easily on the task, as well as to move quickly on to the next one.
  • Makes the child able to control his/her emotions in difficult life situations.
  • Teaches to interacts effectively both, with peers and adults.

The course consists of 8 classes, during which:

  • Children discover what the practice of awareness is, and what its benefits are.
  • They will learn to notice their breathing and develop the habit of observing it.
  • Learn and master the skill of deep breathing. They will learn to breathe through the abdomen, and fully realize the power of deep breathing.
  • Learn to focus on his/her own body. They will master the technique of scanning the body; they will learn to focus on physical sensations.
  • New neural connections will be formed. The meditations become a regular daily ritual for the children.
  • Learn to notice the surrounding sounds and form the habit of listening and hearing.
  • Adjust focus, learn to focus better and practice to keep attention focused.

The course is led by experienced child psychologists and professional mindfulness trainers.

The cost of the course is 119 Euros.

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