Easy mindfulness

Course – Inner potential (12–17 years)

Adolescence is a difficult period in a person’s life.

Hormonal fluctuations, difficulties in relationships with adults, dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance, search for the appropriate place in society – all the above mentioned factors creates anxiety and insecurity in the life of a teenager, causes conflicts with parents and generates problems with studying.

However, the inner potential of the adolescent can help him/her to cope with difficult experiences.

Having mastered the techniques of mindfulness, the individual will begin to understand the causes of his/her emotional reactions, learn to control his/her own actions, and channel thoughts in a positive direction. The adolescent will become calm, balanced and friendly, able to plan and achieve.

The “Potential Inside” Course lasts 8 weeks.

Carrying out weekly practices, course participants will:

  • take the first step toward their mindfulness.
    They will become familiar with the principles of mindfulness; learn what it is, and why it is important to be mindful. Mindfulness will enter and govern the lives of adolescents.
    They will learn to notice what is happening inside and around, as well as to use the all their 5 senses.
  • learn how their brain and body work.
    They will understand how their interaction reveals their inner potential.
  • learn to breathe consciously, i.e., align with their body; be present “in the moment” (here&now), and focus on what is important.
  • learn to scan their body and understand what is happening to it, what signals it sends.
    They will learn to focus on the positive, stop the flow of negative thoughts, and think critically.
  • discover and understand their reactions to stressful situations and learn how wrong thoughts increase stress.
    They will become aware of their thoughts and feelings, which will help them to cope with stress.
  • learn to show self-esteem.
    They will get acquainted with their inner world; they will know the tools that will help them overcome any obstacles.
  • learn to pass the time and have fun without electronic devices.

The participants of the “Inner Potential” Course receive:

  • access to online classes;
  • workbook with assignments;
  • opportunity to communicate with like-minded people, tutors and mentors in a private chat.

At the end of the “Inner Potential” Course participants receive a diploma.

The cost of the course is 349 Euros.

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