Easy mindfulness

Course – MBSR – 8 Week Stress Reduction Program based on acquiring consciousness

Course MBSR for adults

Do you want to achieve your goals?

Do you want to think and live like a winner?

Do you dream of inner harmony and happiness?

If you answered “YES” to all these questions, then the MBSR Course is created just for you.

What is MBSR?

MBSR is a science-based approach that combines mindfulness practices and stress management techniques. MBSR is included in the mandatory courses/programs of the best universities in the United States. Psychologists, coaches, doctors, senior managers and other professionals actively use it in their work.

Why should one choose this course (for adults)?

To learn how to deal with automatic reactions to thoughts, emotions, events, and to build a habit of awareness through the mindfulness of meditation.

The course program will help to cope with:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome and burnout (feeling exhausted);
  • conflicts with family and colleagues;
  • dissatisfaction with one’s own life;
  • high anxiety;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • dietary disorders and other problems.

Who can benefit from the course?

  • parents of children and adolescents;
  • men and women between the ages of 22 and 65;
  • all those who want a calm and conscious life.

Features of the course:

The MBSR course for adults forms a habit of keeping attention in any situation. Our students develop the ability to understand the current moment of life, to realize their feelings and desires.

This helps them:

  • to act correctly;
  • to deal easily with stressful situations;
  • not to succumb to unreasonable and unmotivated anxiety;
  • to cope with depression and other pathological conditions and states.

The course is based on a science-based approach developed in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor of the University of Massachusetts. The MBSR course harmoniously combines meditation designed for increasing attention with awareness of body reactions, thinking and emotions.

What will you learn during the course?

To feel

You will strengthen your faith in authenticity and begin to respect your own feelings, emotions, intuition and thoughts. You will allow yourself to learn and make mistakes.

To accept

You will learn to see things as they really are. You will begin to appreciate and use your experience.

To make a conscious choice

You will stop being in a constant stream of condemning and reacting to failures. You will stop labeling feelings, thoughts and sentiments as good or bad, right or wrong, right or wrong.

Cope with problematic situations.

You will learn to accept things as they are and you will begin to feel your presence or absence in a problematic situation. You will become aware of thoughts that arise and disappear without mistaking their meaning.

To stay here and now

You will develop the ability to use the “beginner’s mind” that sees everything as if it were the first time. This will allow you to see his life as it is now, rather than through the experience of earlier ideas.

To restore internal resources

In mindfulness mode, you will begin to understand what restores and nourishes and what weakens your inner resources.

Classes include exercises of various types:

  • imaginary exploration of the body in order to understand the sensations in its various parts;
  • removed, abstract or remote observation of thoughts, emotions, breathing;
  • conscious execution of routine actions (domestic or work tasks, communication);
  • body-oriented meditations with elements of yoga.

Course program:

  • 8 online classes lasting 1.5-2 hours, once a week;
  • homework and recommendations for each day;
  • audio recordings, videos, articles;
  • support and feedback from tutors;
  • communication with like-minded people in a closed chat of the course;
  • perform practices and tasks at any convenient time you choose.

Course students are accompanied by instructors who have many years of experience in the MBSR method and psychological education. Already during their studies, students implement the acquired knowledge and skills in their lives, changing them for the better.

Anyone can become a student of the MBSR course, regardless of the level of preparation: the information is presented in an accessible way, from simple to complex.

Experienced clinical psychologists, teachers of mindfulness practices with personal practice, child psychologists.

The cost of the course is 349 Euros.

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